Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Managing Online Updates (RSS)

Hello Class

Did you have fun participating in online communities?  Did anyone find TOO MUCH information? Did anyone find that they accidently spent hours browsing the internet? Personally, I think that there is so much wonderful information out there. By enlarge there is a lot of interesting people that are willing to share their insights and experiences with us so that we can learn from each other.

However, it can also take up a lot of time! Some of you may be asking yourselves, "how do we manage all of this and how the heck can we find the stuff that we came across and really liked and now it seems to have disappeared?!" That will be the focus of our discussion today. Mainly, I will be focusing on RSS feeds. What is an RSS feed you ask? Well, please read a little bit about it here:

If you are still not clear, don't worry we'll be talking more about this in class today.

The other tool we will be exploring is social bookmarking. Again for a little preview of what that is about, check out this great blog post:

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